26 October 2011

Wedding Redding

Every day I try to devote a couple of hours to poetry. My latest efforts have been going thru my rhyming dictionaries (yes, Virginia, there are books with lists of words that rhyme) and finding words that either have no rhyme or have limited rhymes with only one or two other words. I understand that English has over a million words in it. It's like English never met a word it didn't like. In spite of that some common words don't have rhymes: angst, budget, emblem, orange, silver. In any endeavor it helps to know the possibilities and limitations. This is a just-for-fun poem.

Wedding Redding
26 October 2011
In a marriage, who wears the pants?
What makes life more glorious?
According to my maiden aunts
The husband needs to be uxorious.
They only listen to their sycophants
For which they’re notorious.

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