23 October 2010

Hit or Miss at the Office

Hit or Miss at the Office

29 August 2010

Of the people at work,

Who has which quirk?

Let’s observe and call it tourism

The studying somebody’s mannerism.

None of us has the privilege

Of being normal or average.

We all bear the taint

Of being a bit quaint.

Here at the North Central FRC

Most workers speak two languages or three.

Those who speak only one are a minority.

I guess that makes minorities the majority.

Behind their backs we call them stupidvisors,

But we rely on them as program advisors.

We could use names and such

But we all know who talks too much.

Somebody’s limited social skills

Consist of reporting their aches and ills.

Although the topic and news varies

We all know the business of the voice that carries.

Then there are those who are seldom heard.

We consider ourselves lucky when they utter a word.

Somebody else considers himself a poet

And wants the whole office to know it.

Another’s actions make it clear

She’s the princess here.

Although they’re clueless as can be

Somebody comes across as a wannabe celebrity.

In their home country there would be jail or fines,

But in America they get to wear plunging necklines.

Everybody brings cheer,

This I do believe,

Some when they get here

And some when they leave.

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