26 May 2011

Machinist, Poet and Watchmaker

Machinist, Poet and Watchmaker
26 May 2011
A machinist and a poet lived lived by the sea
And they were as comfortable as they could be.
The machinist had dealings with a watchmaker
This time the way the monies went was a deal breaker.
The machinist and poet went to see if he was a true blue friend
Or if he would prove to be a villain in in the end.
A visit to the watchmaker’s was very telling
Because voices were quickly raised to yelling.
In case affairs turned to disorder
The machinist wore a voice recorder.
The watchmaker finally threw a raging temper fit
But returned some items for the machinist’s benefit.
For justice the machinist filed in small claims,
Return of property or monetary value were his aims.
The watchmaker counter filed for a change of venue
Hoping to set a precedent or save himself revenue.
After going to a different hall and space
Finally, a commissioner heard the case.
The change in venue was denied.
So the watchmaker greatly sighed.
First the machinist told his version of events
With the poet giving testimony augments.
Next the rambling watchmaker told his side
Presentations unaligned meant somebody lied.
The machinist got a final say,
Then came the judgement of the day.
Damages were awarded to the machinist
And the watchmaker reacted at his meanist.

22 May 2011

Epitaph Gaffe

It has been brought to my attention by the people I play cards with that my signature phrase is "What a rip!" Tonight while playing at my nephew's, the idea came up of putting it on my tombstone. I'll agree to it only if it rhymes.

Epitaph Gaffe

22 May 2011

What a rip! Here I lie

Buried six feet under.

A choice I couldn’t deny.

You there full of wonder,

While breathing and living,

Delighting in friendship,

Still doing and giving,

Here I lie, what a rip!

17 May 2011

Permanent Vacation Choice of Vocation

Permanent Vacation Choice of Vocation

17 May 2011

My doctor’s office was next door

So I went to the fabric store.

I enjoyed walking down the aisles

And touching cloth gave me smiles,

Like calico cotton prints, flannel, velvet, velour,

Felt, lace, fleece, linen, chiffon, satin and more.

In the middle of that textile environment

I realized this isn’t my grandmother’s retirement.

In those days there were limited activities

Now I get to pick other proclivities.

With wide-ranging skills and interests

Quilting falls to the bottom of my lists.

Realizing I could do much worse

I came home and wrote this verse.

06 May 2011

Conversations and Rations

I tried a different rhyming scheme in this poem.

Conversations and Rations

5 May 2011

I went to my friends’ for pizza night,

Looking forward to that weekly delight.

I dressed with the kilt-and-no-shirt look.

Other friends were there with foresight,

They brought mixed fruit and a book

About Lucrecia, the daughter of a crook.

After being married against her will

She started to write her own guidebook.

Her beginning battles were all uphill.

The tales of her deeds give us a thrill.

She became a master of misdirection.

It was like she had a license to kill.

Pizza was baked and came as a selection

One of green pepper and mushroom confection,

The other was pepperoni, all right;

All blending for a friendship connection.