25 May 2017

Love-In At Donovan

Love-In At Donovan
22 May 2017

I went to jail yesterday.
It was at Donovan state prison,
But I didn’t have to stay.
The occasion was a TEDx exposition.
Half of the speakers were from inside
And half of them were outside invitations.
All gave their speeches with pride
In spite of the facility’s limitations.
The theme was “Beyond the Surface,
Not judging a book by its cover;
Looking past another’s epidermis
To find all there is to discover.
After the speeches was socializing
With guests and inmates freely mixing.
Conversations ranged without specializing
Or having authorities doing the fixing.
For me the event was very positive
And I hope there’ll be repercussions.
The impact’ll make all more sensitive
And lead to productive discussions,
More dialog and experience exchanges
That eventually cause policy changes.

02 May 2017

Yearning For Returning

Biltmore House
Bass Pond

Golden Azalea





Click on photo to enlarge.

Yearning For Returning

26 April 2017

I’d like to go back once more.
Tell the Inn to save me a room
To see flowers at the Biltmore
When the azaleas are in bloom.
Let me visit when the tulips blossom
And the hanging wisteria’s awesome.
I love the colors of the pansies
That match to hues of the daisies.
I want to explore the conservatory
That shows off varieties of hybrids,
Including an amazing begonia variety
And bountiful sprays of orchids.
Let me stroll down to the Bass Pond
To see the brick bridge reflected,
The calm water and the trees beyond;
So my joie de vivre gets resurrected.