25 July 2012

Reunion Communion

Reunion Communion
24 July 2012

We met on the mountain at Seventy's Flat,
Out where there's room to swing a cat,
Socializing in an informal format,
Mixing a potluck with chitchat.
Rob works in sustainable power.
Lauana's a supervisor of intervention.
Randy sells cars by the hour.
Let's not forget to mention,
Julie's been a nurse for 35 years, not a quirk
Just after she was born they put her to work.
Teri's a factory site planner in Queen Creek.
Monte teaching high school seems like a jailer.
Ralph's a Dallas temple worker, so to speak.
Jimmy visits his grandkids in a trailer.
Scott teaches the children in third grade
And for the newspaper is the resident
Sports writer. From a bit of a renegade
He now serves as stake president.
Nancy's always been a housewife
And probably will be for life.
Allen's an over-the-road truck driver.
Diane's a lawyer in Moab, at times.
Kerry's a real estate bust survivor.
Alma writes poetry and rhymes.
Doug stays around like a homebody
His wife travels like she's somebody.
Janet's a social worker in Texas.
Silas said he works in sporting goods.
David in Hawaii's a construction nexus.
We all had a good time out in the woods
Mingling conversation and small talk
Offering apologies where owed,
We're as perennial as grass in the sidewalk
And as tough as weeds in the road.

18 July 2012

Lies and Stories, Defeats and Glories

Lies and Stories, Defeats and Glories
17 July 2012

We've known each other for ages
Since we were five, maybe four,
Long before we had jobs with wages
When we were innocent to the core.
After graduation we took on
Life that could be outrageous,
Unwilling to just look on
Before life could age us.

We've known each other for so long
It's kind of useless to put on airs.
We've come back to where we belong
To share life's cares and scares.
We'll just talk about the facts.
Nobody would be rude and uncouth
Enough to brag about their acts
Or lie to stretch the truth.

04 July 2012

Declaration of Exhilaration

Declaration of Exhilaration
4 July 2012

My four-year-old self emerged today
It felt safe for him to talk and play.
For years he kept secret hidden away,
Afraid of getting into trouble he'd say.
Now he gets to do things his own way.
This Fourth of July is a celebration
Of his freedom and liberation
After years of self-incarceration
From unfiltered victimization
To the point of obliteration.
From the years of suppression
It'll take some decompression
And incremental progression
Before he takes full possession
And my voice finds expression.

Any Clock's Toolbox

Any Clock's Toolbox
4 July 2012

This little rhyme
Reminds every schmo
That life is time.
You just never know
How long you've got,
So I advise giving
Life your best shot
Here and now; living
Usefully and productively
To improve the existence
Deftly and constructively
For all earth's residents.