21 March 2010

Prepared Compared

My experience has been that any speech will be slightly different delivered than rehearsed. Here's the speech I gave at the Mr. San Diego Leather 2010 contest. The other contestant was Anthony who spoke first.

As Prepared

In a life full of stories
My earliest memories
Go back to Sunday School

And learning the golden rule.

The kids with me then

Were still in the same pool

Several years later when

We graduated from high school.

The last time I went to a class reunion

I felt we had nothing in common

I had a strong sense of disunion.

I only wanted to run.

That’s a sharp contrast

To when I’m with leather folk.

I never feel outcast

And that’s no joke.

You are my people, my tribe.

It’s hard for me to describe,

My feelings run deep inside.

Regardless of any personal difference

I challenge you to pursue excellence

Becoming a person of quality

Living life with a touch of frivolity.

As Aired

In a life full of stories

My earliest memories

Go back to Sunday School

And learning the golden rule.

The kids with me then

Were still in the same pool

Several years later when

We graduated from high school.

The last time I went to a class reunion

I felt we had nothing in common

I had a strong sense of disunion.

I only wanted to run.

That’s a sharp contrast

To when I’m with leather folk.

I never feel outcast

And that’s no joke.

You are my people, my tribe.

It’s hard for me to describe,

My feelings run deep inside.

Like Anthony it's hard for me to yelp

And ask for help.

Regardless of any personal difference

I challenge you to pursue excellence

Becoming a person of integrity

Living life with a touch of frivolity.

13 March 2010

Reception Perception

This year I'm a entrant in the 2010 Mr. San Diego Leather Contest.

Reception Perception

Here's a summary vocabulary test,
My observations from the contest:
An absence of animosity,
The abundance of generosity,
A paucity of gradiosity,
The precosity of fabulosity,
The ridiculosity of pomposity
And the velocity of verbosity and vociferosity.

06 March 2010

Bawdy Body

Bawdy Body

Kiss me from my eye to my thigh.
Blow on me from my ear to my rear.
Lick me from my gut to my butt.
Touch me from my lip to my hip.
Taste the forbidden fruit.
Play with my root
Chakra. Explore more
Of what we're here for.
Without hesitation
Let romance
And sensation
Begin to enhance
The erotic stimulation.
Let's remeasure
The level of pleasure.
Let our interaction
Start a chain reaction.
Take me over the top,
More, more, don't stop.
My body's all yours
And I'm out of metaphors.
I really don't mind
If you help me find
The splendid sights
From obscene heights.
The universe's within reach
As I let out a screech
A tidal wave of sensation
Culminates the mobilization
Of intercourse and interaction
To mutual satisfaction.
From this time hence
There is no sense
In trying to compare
A feeling that rare.
Filed forever in my memories
Are the rockets and glories
Of your bestowment
Of that special moment.
I don't care if they call it a sin,
I just want to do it again.

05 March 2010

Valise's Pieces

It's no use
To refuse a Muse.
I wasn't hired.
I was inspired.


I knows what I knows
And that's the way it goes.
Sometimes life smells like a skunk
And sometimes it smells like a rose.

04 March 2010

First Blog

Amazing how the universe provides. A couple of weeks ago I exchanged emails with my niece about starting a blog, but put it off until I had time to digest the instructions. Then tonight I wanted to comment about someone else's blog, but in order to do so I had to set up a blog account.

My blog name loosely translated from latin means hits & misses, literally it means information and error. That's the extent of my latin. It was a stretch to put in "et" instead of "and." I plan to use this blog for poems and opinions. You may like what I post, that's datum. I may change my opinion, that's erratum.

It may be lyrical and descriptive, but if it doesn't rhyme it's not poetry. Poems should rhyme. That's how they're distinguished from prose. I tried to post a poem on Facebook, but it took out all the line returns and ruined the poem. Here's the poem as it's supposed to be:


With my eye
I spy
A butterfly.
On this occasion
It's of the swallowtail persuasion
With wings of yellow and black
And towards the back
A hue
Of blue.