15 March 2018

Shoes Blues

Shoes Blues

11 March 2018

Holes in the soles of my shoes
Has me singing the blues.

After looking at the selection
Of shoes in the store's collection,
Each with its own appeal,
I chose a pair close to my ideal.
At first I liked the look and feel,
Then the flaws started to reveal.
Holes in the soles of my shoes
Has me singing the blues.

Cracks appeared where the uppers flexed.
I didn't see what happened next.
The tops seemed to go unchanged,
But the bottoms were becoming deranged.
That went unnoticed until it rained
And the wetness I felt was unexplained. 
Holes in the soles of my shoes
Has me singing the blues.

Much to my dismay, at home I looked at
My shoe bottoms and could see that
The soles had a crack across the ball.
That's why my socks were wet and all.
I'll have to buy some replacements,
Adding to my money disbursements. 
Holes in the soles of my shoes
Has me singing the blues.


Personal note: There's been a lapse in my postings. In December 2017 I got a sore spot on my tongue that made it hard to talk and chew, so I went in to see the doctor. On the 2nd January 2018 the doctor called to say I had medium squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. On January 21st I went to the hospital and fell among the surgeons. They knocked me out, yanked a tooth, cut out my tongue and slit my throat. The doctors were having such a good time they slit my throat twice, in front and down the side. After a week in Medical Intensive Care and 3 weeks in a skilled nursing facility, I came home. In the SNF I recovered enough to start talking again. On March 12th I started chemotherapy and radiation that will go on for six weeks. I get most of my nutrition thru a feeding tube. I can't wait until this is all over and I can come up with a funny way to tell my dramatic story.